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Return Policy


1.1 This Return Policy ("Policy") sets forth the terms and conditions under which customers ("You" or "Your") may request a return or refund for the services provided by Gavin Speaks through the website Infinite Heights & Consultancy ("We", "Us", "Our" or "Company") is a sole proprietorship owned and operated by Gavin Speaks, specializing in spiritual and personal growth consultations, coaching, and energetic healing.

1.2 The core mission of the Company is to offer an array of services aiming to assist individuals in their journey towards personal development and well-being. However, while Gavin Speaks is dedicated to guiding You through transformational processes, it is imperative to understand the limitations and the scope of our services.

1.3 This Policy aims to elucidate Your rights and obligations concerning the return, refund, and exchange of the services You avail from Us. By purchasing any of the packages offered on our website, You are bound by this Policy and the terms therein.

1.4 It is the responsibility of the customer to read and understand this Policy before purchasing any services. If you disagree with any part of this Policy, you are advised not to proceed with your purchase.


2.1 It is imperative to understand and acknowledge that, due to the nature of our services, most of the offerings by Infinite Heights & Consultancy are considered as final sales. This means that once a service has been purchased and provided, no returns, refunds, or exchanges will be entertained, subject to the exclusions outlined in this Policy.

2.2 Services offered by Infinite Heights & Consultancy, by their very nature, are personalised and tailored to the individual needs of the customer. As such, the value and outcomes derived from the sessions are subjective and vary from person to person.

2.3 The only exception to our final sales policy is the 1x Consultation package, priced at $97, which can be purchased only once by the customer. This consultation package is refundable under specific conditions as detailed in Section 3 of this Policy.

2.4 All other packages, irrespective of their content or price, are non-refundable. If a customer decides to purchase another package post the initial consultation, the $97 fee for the consultation is deemed non-refundable.

2.5 Customers are urged to make an informed decision before purchasing any service. Infinite Heights & Consultancy provides ample information and details about each service to help customers make informed choices.

2.6 Any purchase of a service from Infinite Heights & Consultancy is considered a conscious acceptance of this final sales policy and indicates the customer's agreement to forego any claims for returns, refunds, or exchanges, except as explicitly provided in this Policy.


3.1 Given the distinctive nature of the services provided by Infinite Heights & Consultancy, most of our offerings are exempt from being returned. As detailed in the Final Sales Policy, the majority of our services are categorised as final sales, barring specific exceptions as outlined below.

3.2 The sole service eligible for a return is the 1x Consultation package, priced at $97. However, certain criteria must be met to qualify for a return:

3.2.1 The return request for the 1x Consultation package must be initiated within seven (7) calendar days from the date of purchase. Any requests beyond this time frame will not be entertained.

3.2.2 The refund is only applicable if the customer decides, post consultation, not to proceed with any further coaching or healing sessions. This decision and request for a refund must be communicated within the aforementioned seven-day window.

3.2.3 In instances where a customer, after availing the 1x Consultation package, proceeds to purchase another service or package, the initial $97 fee is non-refundable, irrespective of the duration between the two purchases.

3.3 The time frame for initiating a return is rigid and non-negotiable. We believe seven days provides ample opportunity for customers to assess the value and potential benefits of the consultation, and decide if they wish to continue with our offerings.

3.4 It is the responsibility of the customer to be aware of the eligibility criteria and the stipulated time frame for returns. Ignorance of this Policy will not be considered a valid reason for initiating a return outside the prescribed window or for services that fall under the final sales category.


4.1 Initiating the return process for the eligible 1x Consultation package involves a structured and transparent methodology.

4.1.1 To begin the return process, the customer must send a detailed email to, outlining their reason for seeking a return. This email must be sent within the seven-day window, as specified in Section 3.

4.1.2 The email should include the customer's full name, email address used for the booking, date of consultation, and any other relevant details to assist us in swiftly processing the return.

4.2 Once we receive the return request, our team will review the details provided, verify the authenticity of the claim, and assess its eligibility based on the criteria outlined in Section 3.

4.3 Should the return request be approved, the customer will receive a confirmation email detailing the next steps. Conversely, if the return is declined, an explanation will be provided.

4.4 Infinite Heights & Consultancy aims to process return requests promptly. However, it may take up to ten (10) business days from the date of receiving the return request email for a decision to be communicated to the customer.

4.5 We strongly recommend that customers maintain a copy of their return request email and any subsequent correspondence with Infinite Heights & Consultancy. This will serve as a record and can be useful if there are any discrepancies or disputes in the future.

4.6 Infinite Heights & Consultancy reserves the right to reject any return request if it is found that the customer is attempting to misuse the return policy or if there is a breach of the terms and conditions outlined in this Policy.


5.1 Refunds at Infinite Heights & Consultancy are principally governed by our staunch commitment to fairness while also maintaining the integrity of our services and our obligations to clients.

5.2 As reiterated in previous sections, the vast majority of our services are non-refundable due to their specific, personalised nature. However, the 1x Consultation package, priced at $97, stands as an exception, provided it aligns with the criteria as stated in Section 3.

5.3 Upon approval of a valid return request:

5.3.1 The refund amount will correspond solely to the purchase price of the 1x Consultation package, which is $97. No additional charges or fees incurred by the customer will be considered for the refund.

5.3.2 Refunds will be processed using the same payment method that the customer utilised during the original transaction, unless explicitly specified otherwise by Infinite Heights & Consultancy. For example, if the service was purchased via credit card, the refund will be credited back to the same credit card.

5.3.3 While Infinite Heights & Consultancy will initiate the refund process immediately upon approval, the duration for the credited amount to reflect in the customer's account can vary based on the payment method, banks involved, and other intermediaries. Typically, refunds can take anywhere between 5-10 business days, but in some exceptional cases, it may take longer.

5.4 Any potential disputes or disagreements related to refunds will be managed in accordance with UK legal standards, and Infinite Heights & Consultancy will ensure to remain compliant with the Consumer Rights Act 2015 and other relevant UK laws.

5.5 Customers are advised to regularly check their bank statements and notify their banks if there are any discrepancies or delays in receiving the refund. Any issues that arise post the initiation of the refund by Infinite Heights & Consultancy, particularly those concerning financial institutions, are outside the company's purview.

5.6 Infinite Heights & Consultancy shall not be held responsible for any fluctuations in currency exchange rates or external fees charged by banks or credit card companies, which might affect the refund amount for international customers.


6.1 Due to the distinct and personalised nature of our services, Infinite Heights & Consultancy does not offer exchanges in the traditional sense of physical products. Every service we offer is tailored to the unique requirements and circumstances of the individual customer.

6.2 If a customer wishes to switch to a different service package after purchasing one, this does not fall under an 'exchange' as such. Instead, it would require the customer to make a separate purchase of the desired package. It is imperative to note that any previously purchased services remain non-refundable, with the exception of the 1x Consultation package as detailed in Section 3.

6.3 Any perceived dissatisfaction or desire for change post the commencement of a session or package cannot be converted into an exchange. Each service is considered complete upon delivery and is thus finalised.

6.4 Customers are encouraged to thoroughly understand and assess their requirements, and consult with Infinite Heights & Consultancy if needed, before choosing and purchasing a service. Such diligence will help ensure that the chosen package aligns with the customer's expectations and needs.

6.5 Infinite Heights & Consultancy remains steadfast in its dedication to providing exceptional value in each service and package offered. Any feedback, suggestions, or concerns from customers post-purchase are welcomed and will be used to continuously improve our offerings. However, such feedback will not alter the terms of this Policy or the non-exchangeability of our services.


7.1 Infinite Heights & Consultancy primarily deals in the delivery of virtual, personalised services, thus negating the necessity for traditional physical shipping or delivery methods. However, there are vital details and procedures that customers should be aware of concerning the delivery of our services.

7.2 Once a service or package is purchased:

7.2.1 Customers will receive a confirmation email detailing the specifics of their purchase. This email serves as proof of purchase and indicates the successful initiation of the chosen service.

7.2.2 Subsequent communications concerning scheduling, joining instructions for virtual sessions, or any related resources will be sent to the provided email address. It is imperative for customers to ensure the accuracy of their email details to prevent any miscommunication or missed sessions.

7.3 In the unique instance of the "7 Days With Gavin In-Person Coaching & Healing For Radical Transformation" package:

7.3.1 Any logistical arrangements related to travel, accommodation, or physical venues will be communicated directly with the customer post-purchase. While the core service offering is covered by the package fee, customers may incur additional personal expenses, which are not covered by Infinite Heights & Consultancy.

7.3.2 Customers are responsible for making timely and suitable travel arrangements if the session involves physical presence. Infinite Heights & Consultancy will not be responsible for any travel delays, cancellations, or associated costs.

7.4 For all virtual sessions, customers should ensure:

7.4.1 A stable internet connection and a functioning device capable of handling video conferencing or online communication tools, as specified in the joining instructions.

7.4.2 A quiet and appropriate environment to ensure the effectiveness of the coaching or healing session.

7.4.3 Punctuality in joining scheduled sessions. Missed or delayed attendance may not always be compensated with extended session time.

7.5 Any technical issues arising on the side of Infinite Heights & Consultancy that may affect the delivery of a session will be communicated promptly. Rescheduling or compensatory measures will be considered based on the nature and duration of the disruption.


8.1 Infinite Heights & Consultancy would like to reiterate that the majority of our services, due to their unique and personalised nature, fall under the category of non-returnable items. As stated in previous sections, this signifies that once a service is availed or commenced, it cannot be returned or refunded, with the sole exception of the 1x Consultation package as detailed in Section 3.

8.2 Specifically, the following services and packages are non-returnable:

8.2.1 5x Transformational Coaching Sessions.

8.2.2 12x Transformational Coaching Sessions.

8.2.3 7 Days With Gavin In-Person Coaching & Healing For Radical Transformation.

8.2.4 8x Prosperity Healing Sessions (regardless of the specified pricing tier).

8.3 Once a customer commits to any of the aforementioned services, they are entering an agreement to avail the service in its entirety. Even if they choose to discontinue or not fully utilise the sessions, the fee for the service remains non-refundable.

8.4 The categorisation of non-returnable items reflects Infinite Heights & Consultancy's investment in time, resources, and preparation for each session or package. We uphold a standard of excellence, ensuring that each customer receives personalised attention and value. As such, retracting a service post-commencement is not feasible.

8.5 Customers are urged to deliberate thoroughly before committing to a service, considering all the terms and conditions outlined in this Policy. Queries, concerns, or the need for clarity should be addressed prior to purchase to ensure alignment of expectations and service delivery.


9.1 Infinite Heights & Consultancy, whilst operating within the confines of the United Kingdom, is steadfastly dedicated to ensuring full compliance with all prevailing local, national, and, where applicable, international laws, statutes, regulations, and directives.

9.2 Our services, including but not limited to coaching, consultation, and healing sessions, are meticulously designed and executed in harmony with the legal frameworks that govern such professional interactions in the UK. This encompasses aspects related to data protection, consumer rights, electronic commerce, contractual obligations, and more.

9.3 The Consumer Rights Act 2015, as a quintessential piece of legislation in the UK, influences several facets of this Return Policy. Infinite Heights & Consultancy constantly reviews its policies to ensure they are in line with the act’s provisions, especially concerning the rights of consumers in the context of service contracts.

9.4 In addition, we are scrupulous in our adherence to the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Personal data shared by our clientele in the course of availing our services is handled with the utmost confidentiality and respect. Measures are employed to safeguard this data, and it is used strictly for the purposes consented to by the client.

9.5 International customers should be aware that while our services are rendered within the legal framework of the UK, they may be subject to additional local laws or regulations in their respective jurisdictions. It remains the responsibility of such customers to ensure that availing our services does not infringe upon their local legal stipulations.

9.6 Infinite Heights & Consultancy reserves the right to modify or adapt its services in the event of legal changes that necessitate such adjustments. Customers will be duly informed of any such modifications.

9.7 Any legal disputes arising between Infinite Heights & Consultancy and a client will be resolved within the jurisdiction of the UK. Parties commit to initially attempt an amicable settlement. However, if necessary, disputes will be adjudicated in accordance with UK law and in a competent UK court.


10.1 Should you have any queries, concerns, feedback, or require clarification on any aspect of this Return Policy or any other facet of our services, Infinite Heights & Consultancy invites you to reach out through our primary channel of communication.

10.2 Email:

10.3 We endeavour to respond to all email communications in a timely manner, typically within 48 business hours. However, during peak periods or due to unforeseen circumstances, there might be slight delays, and we appreciate your patience in such instances.

10.4 It is paramount for customers to ensure the clarity of their communication, providing all necessary details and references, which will assist us in addressing your concerns or queries more efficiently.

10.5 While email is our primary communication channel, in specific instances where direct dialogue may be deemed necessary, arrangements for a telephonic or virtual conversation can be made.

10.6 Infinite Heights & Consultancy values each interaction with our clientele, and we approach every communication with respect, professionalism, and a genuine desire to assist.


11.1 Infinite Heights & Consultancy operates in a dynamic environment, influenced by a myriad of internal and external factors, including but not limited to changes in legislation, business operations, and service offerings. In light of this, we retain the inherent right to amend, modify, or revise our Return Policy from time to time as necessitated by such variables.

11.2 While the overarching principles of professionalism, integrity, and fairness will remain steadfast, specific terms, conditions, stipulations, or processes may undergo adjustments. These changes are typically geared towards the continuous refinement of our operations, upholding our commitment to client satisfaction and compliance with prevailing legal standards.

11.3 In the event of substantive modifications to this Return Policy:

11.3.1 Existing clients, who may be affected by such changes during the duration of their service package, will be directly informed via their registered email addresses.

11.3.2 The updated policy will be published prominently on the company website: It is incumbent upon all prospective clients and website visitors to review the most recent version of the policy before engaging in any transactions or service agreements.

11.4 Any amendments made to the policy will be effective immediately upon being posted on the aforementioned website, unless explicitly specified otherwise within the notice of change.

11.5 By continuing to avail the services of Infinite Heights & Consultancy post any policy updates, clients implicitly agree to and accept the revised terms. It is, therefore, advisable for all clients to periodically review this Return Policy to stay abreast of any modifications.

11.6 In scenarios where a client disagrees with any changes made to the policy, they are encouraged to get in touch with us at to discuss any reservations or concerns. It is our intent to always facilitate an amicable resolution, rooted in mutual understanding and respect.


12.1 This Return Policy, in conjunction with other stated policies and terms of service available on, collectively forms the contractual agreement between Infinite Heights & Consultancy and our esteemed clientele.

12.2 We reiterate the non-transferable nature of our service packages. Clients cannot transfer or assign their rights, benefits, or obligations under their service agreement to any third party without explicit written consent from Infinite Heights & Consultancy.

12.3 If any provision or section of this Return Policy is deemed unlawful, void, or unenforceable, that particular provision or section will be deemed severable from this policy and will not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions.

12.4 The failure of Infinite Heights & Consultancy to enforce any right or provision in this Return Policy will not constitute a waiver of that right or provision unless acknowledged and agreed to by us in writing.

12.5 Any rights not expressly granted within this document are reserved by Infinite Heights & Consultancy. We remain committed to acting in the best interests of our clients, guided by principles of transparency, legality, and professional ethics.

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