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Cookie Policy


1.1 This Cookie Policy ("Policy") pertains to the website, a digital platform owned and operated by Infinite Heights & Consultancy. By accessing and utilising our website, you express your agreement to the use of cookies in the manner set out in this Policy. If you disagree with our use of cookies, you should set your browser settings accordingly or not use our website.

1.2 Gavin Speaks, the principal force behind Infinite Heights & Consultancy, has always been passionate about creating content specialising in spirituality, laws of reality, and personal growth. This website is an extension of that passion, offering valuable insights, transformational coaching sessions, energetic healing packages, and a platform to interact.

1.3 In adhering to the standards and regulations of the United Kingdom and to maintain transparency with our esteemed clientele and visitors, this Policy aims to delineate the specifics of how we use cookies, their relevance in providing an optimised user experience, and ways to manage these cookies.

1.4 For the purpose of this Policy, the term "you" refers to the user or viewer of our website, and "we", "our", or "us" refers to Infinite Heights & Consultancy.


2.1 A cookie is a small file, typically comprising letters and numbers, that is sent by a web server to a web browser, and subsequently stored by the browser. When the browser requests a page from the server, it sends the cookie back to the server, enabling the server to identify and track the browser's activity.

2.2 Cookies do not typically contain any information that personally identifies a user, but the personal information that we store about you may be linked to the information stored in, and obtained from, cookies.

2.3 Broadly speaking, there are two primary classifications of cookies:

2.3.1 Session cookies: These are temporary files that are deleted when a user closes their web browser. They are not stored on the user's hard drive and do not collect information from the user's computer. Their primary function is to carry transactional information across pages, thus avoiding the need to re-enter information.

2.3.2 Persistent cookies: These are stored on a user's hard drive until they expire or until the user deletes them. They can be utilised to store information between browsing sessions, such as user preferences or cart contents.

2.4 Cookies may be either "first-party" or "third-party". While first-party cookies are set by the website you are visiting, third-party cookies are set by domains other than that of the website you are visiting.

2.5 This website uses both session and persistent cookies to ensure smooth navigation, understand user preferences, optimise user experiences, and monitor site performance.


3.1 For the optimal functionality and user experience of our website,, we utilise a variety of cookies. Understanding the specifics of these cookies can provide a clearer picture of how we use them and for what purpose. The types of cookies used by our website are classified into the following categories:

3.1.1 Necessary Cookies: These cookies are indispensable for the proper functioning of our website. They enable basic functionalities such as page navigation and access to secure areas of the website. Without these cookies, certain sections or features of our site may not operate as intended.

3.1.2 Performance Cookies: These cookies gather information about how our visitors use the website, for instance, which pages they view most frequently and if they receive any error messages from specific pages. The primary purpose of these cookies is to improve the overall performance and user experience of the website.

3.1.3 Functional Cookies: With the aim of enhancing user experience, these cookies remember the choices you make, such as your username, language preference, or the region you are in. This ensures that you get a personalised experience, and the settings you choose remain consistent across sessions.

3.1.4 Targeting or Advertising Cookies: These cookies track browsing habits and are used to deliver targeted advertisements more relevant to you and your interests. They remember the websites you've visited and share this information with third-party advertisers for this purpose.

3.1.5 Analytical Cookies: Through these cookies, we gather insights into how our website is being accessed and utilised. This helps us understand our audience better, making it possible for us to make informed decisions regarding content and design that would most appeal to our visitors.

3.2 It's pertinent to emphasise that while some cookies are set by (first-party cookies), others are set by third-party services or platforms that may or may not have a formal partnership with Infinite Heights & Consultancy (third-party cookies). We'll delve deeper into third-party cookies in section 6 of this Policy.


4.1 The primary objective behind the use of cookies on our website is to ensure that our visitors have an optimal, smooth, and personalised browsing experience. Beyond this fundamental aim, the detailed purposes of deploying cookies are as follows:

4.1.1 Enhancing Website Functionality: Cookies enable our website to remember user preferences, login details, and other customisation functions, ensuring our users don't have to reset their preferences every time they visit.

4.1.2 Analysing Website Traffic and Usage: By assessing how users interact with our website, we can make informed decisions about which aspects are working well and which might need improvement. This analysis helps us streamline content, optimise page load times, and enhance overall site navigation.

4.1.3 Marketing and Advertising: Cookies help in tailoring advertisements to be more relevant to individual users, enhancing the efficacy of our marketing campaigns. They also prevent the same ads from appearing repeatedly, thereby improving the advertising experience.

4.1.4 User Engagement: With the insights provided by cookies, we can discern which content pieces are resonating more with our audience. This allows us to curate content that aligns better with our users' preferences and needs.

4.1.5 Security: Cookies play a pivotal role in bolstering the security of our online platform. They help in the detection of suspicious and malicious activities, thereby safeguarding our website and its users.

4.2 It's worth noting that while cookies provide a multitude of benefits in terms of user experience and functionality, users retain the prerogative to manage or even disable them, which is elaborated upon in section 5 of this Policy.


5.1 As a visitor to, it's paramount that you understand you have a right to control the cookies that are stored on your device. While cookies enhance user experience and certain functionalities on the website, you retain full authority to manage, limit, or entirely disable them.

5.1.1 Browser Settings: All contemporary browsers offer settings that control how cookies are handled. These settings can typically be found in the 'options' or 'preferences' section of your browser. Below are the steps for managing cookies on popular browsers: Google Chrome: Navigate to 'Settings', then 'Privacy and security', followed by 'Cookies and other site data'. Here, you can amend your cookie preferences. Mozilla Firefox: Click on the menu button, select 'Options', then choose 'Privacy & Security'. Under the 'Cookies and Site Data' section, you can modify your settings. Safari: Go to 'Preferences', click on 'Privacy', and then adjust your cookie settings. Microsoft Edge: Click on 'Settings', then 'Privacy & security'. Under 'Cookies', select your preferred option.

5.2 Refusing or limiting cookies may, however, have implications on your user experience. Certain functionalities or sections of our website might not operate optimally without cookies. It may result in having to manually adjust preferences every time you visit, leading to a potentially diminished browsing experience.

5.1.2 Third-Party Tools: Beyond browser settings, there are third-party tools and browser extensions available, such as Ghostery or AdBlock Plus, which can help you manage and block tracking cookies or advertisements.

5.3 We advocate that, prior to making decisions about cookies, our users should understand their purpose and benefits. Disabling them without comprehension might detract from the comprehensive, enhanced experience we've crafted for our visitors.


6.1 As previously touched upon, while some cookies are set directly by us, there are others that are set by third-party companies or platforms. These are known as third-party cookies.

6.1.1 Advertisers and Marketing Companies: These entities commonly use cookies to collect data about user behaviour, aiming to serve more relevant advertisements based on individual browsing patterns and preferences.

6.1.2 Analytical Services: We engage third-party services, such as Google Analytics, to gain insights into website traffic and user behaviour. These services might deploy cookies to gather aggregated and anonymous data, assisting us in enhancing our site's performance and user experience.

6.2 It's pivotal to recognise that third-party cookies operate under their respective privacy policies. Infinite Heights & Consultancy does not have direct control over the information collected by these cookies. We highly recommend users to familiarise themselves with the privacy policies of these third parties to comprehend how they collect and process data.

6.3 For users who are concerned about third-party tracking and advertisements, it might be beneficial to employ the aforementioned third-party tools and browser extensions that specifically block such cookies.

6.4 Our commitment at Infinite Heights & Consultancy is to uphold the highest standards of transparency and integrity. To this end, while we integrate third-party services to refine our platform's offerings, we do so judiciously, ensuring that user privacy and experience remain at the forefront.


7.1 As the digital landscape continues to evolve, it becomes imperative for policies to be periodically reviewed and updated to reflect the current operational practices and regulatory guidelines. As such, this Cookie Policy is not static and may undergo revisions in response to changes in our website's functionalities, the cookies we use, or any pertinent legislative modifications.

7.1.1 Periodic Review: Infinite Heights & Consultancy undertakes to periodically review this Cookie Policy to ensure its alignment with the latest operational and legal standards.

7.1.2 Notification of Changes: In the event of significant amendments to this Policy, we aim to inform our users prominently, either through a notice on our website or, where appropriate, via email. Nonetheless, we encourage our users to regularly review this Policy to remain informed about our use of cookies and related practices.

7.1.3 Date of Last Revision: To aid our users in discerning any updates, we will append the date of the latest revision at the bottom of this Cookie Policy.

7.2 Your continued use of, subsequent to any amendments to this Policy, will signify your acceptance of the updated terms. If you disagree with any changes, you have the option to discontinue the use of our website or modify your cookie settings as outlined in Section 5 of this Policy.


8.1 We, at Infinite Heights & Consultancy, value the trust and confidence of our users. If you have any queries, concerns, or require clarification regarding our use of cookies or any aspect of this Cookie Policy, we encourage you to reach out to us. Open communication fosters understanding, and we are committed to addressing any concerns with the utmost diligence and transparency.

8.1.1 Contacting via Email: You may directly email your questions or feedback to We endeavour to address all email queries promptly, aiming to provide comprehensive responses to ensure clarity and resolve.

8.1.2 Postal Correspondence: For those who prefer traditional correspondence methods, letters can be addressed to our official business location. Details of the specific address will be provided on our website's contact page.

8.1.3 Website Contact Form: Another convenient method to get in touch with us is through the contact form available on our website, Simply fill in the requisite details and your message, and our team will address it at the earliest opportunity.

8.2 Whether you're seeking further information about our cookie practices, or have feedback to enhance our platform, your input is invaluable to us. We remain committed to upholding the highest standards of service, transparency, and user experience, and your engagement aids us in this endeavour.


9.1 Infinite Heights & Consultancy, in its capacity as an entity operating out of the United Kingdom, adheres strictly to the prevailing regulations and statutory requirements that govern the use of cookies and related data collection technologies.

9.1.1 General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): As a foundational cornerstone of data protection in Europe, the GDPR sets forth stringent standards for the collection, processing, and storage of personal data of individuals within the European Union. We ensure that our use of cookies, especially those that might collect personal data, is in compliance with the principles and stipulations of the GDPR.

9.1.2 The Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003 (PECR): PECR, specific to the UK, lays down the guidelines on the use of cookies and similar technologies. Our website,, operates in full accordance with the mandates of PECR, ensuring that users are provided with clear information about cookies and securing informed consent where necessary.

9.1.3 Data Protection Act 2018: This UK legislation further supplements the GDPR and outlines the data protection framework for the country. Our data handling practices, inclusive of those pertaining to cookies, are fine-tuned to align with the mandates of this Act.

9.2 It is essential for our users to understand that the regulatory landscape is dynamic, with potential for laws and guidelines to be updated or new ones to be introduced. At Infinite Heights & Consultancy, we remain vigilant in staying abreast of these changes and proactively ensure our practices evolve in tandem.

9.2.1 Regular Legal Audits: To solidify our commitment to compliance, we periodically undertake legal audits, liaising with qualified legal professionals to ascertain that our cookie practices remain within the bounds of current regulations.

9.2.2 Training and Development: Our team undergoes regular training sessions to ensure that they are well-versed with the nuances of data protection laws, enabling them to implement best practices when handling user data.

9.3 Our overarching commitment is to ensure that remains a platform where users can access our services with the confidence that their data rights are respected and upheld. We do not merely aim for minimum compliance but endeavour to set a standard of excellence in data protection and user trust.


10.1 This Cookie Policy, crafted with diligence and attention to detail, serves as a testament to our dedication towards transparency, user empowerment, and compliance with legal stipulations. By elucidating our practices, the types of cookies utilised, their purposes, and the rights of our users in relation to these cookies, we aim to provide a holistic understanding of how functions in this realm.

10.2 Users are at the heart of our operations, and their trust is paramount. As such, we continually strive to enhance our platform, not only in terms of the services offered but also in ensuring that our digital environment prioritises user privacy and data protection.

10.3 While cookies are instrumental in optimising the digital experience, we respect the agency of our users in making informed decisions about them. This policy, therefore, is not just a legal document but a reflection of our commitment to responsible, ethical, and user-centric digital operations.

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