My YouTube
My YouTube


I’m Gavin Speaks. I’m a transformational life coach and energetic healer. I love creating YouTube content that specializes in spirituality, laws of reality and personal growth. Read more below...

My Story

Hey there, I'm Gavin, and I want to take you on a journey—a journey of transformation, self-discovery, and the pursuit of a life filled with freedom and fulfilment.

My story begins with a burning desire for something more. For years, I relentlessly pursued financial wealth and material success, believing they held the keys to happiness. But as I accumulated possessions, I felt an increasing sense of emptiness, anxiety, and physical exhaustion.

My health suffered, and I found myself trapped in a toxic, soul-draining relationship. It was a moment of reckoning, a stark realization that change wasn't just an option; it was a necessity.

The path to coaching and energy healing was deeply influenced by my childhood. I vividly remember my first encounter with personal development—an audio program called "Mega Memory" by Kevin Trudeau. Struggling with Attention Deficit Disorder and dyslexia, I desperately sought ways to unlock my potential.

In 2008, the documentary "The Secret" introduced me to the world of reality creation and manifesting, sowing the seeds of hope and transformation.

Starting my own business was far from a smooth ride. But I made a deep commitment to myself and the universe—a vow to achieve success and experience genuine freedom, no matter what challenges lay ahead, I didn't care if it took me 50 years!

The turning point came when I realized that success wasn't solely about accumulating wealth. I heard a quote from Tony Robbins that changed everything. "Success Without Fulfilment Is The Ultimate Failure".

True success encompassed inner peace and harmony within.

I understood that to move forward, I needed to cleanse my life of negative anti-prosperity energies, break curses, black magic, and evil eye and transcend subconscious limitations. This realization ignited a profound mission—to help others do the same.

Today, my mission is clear and resolute—to empower individuals to master their realities, attain freedom, and unlock fulfilment, both internally and in the world around them.

I now reside in Mexico alongside my dream life partner in a beautiful panoramic view apartment complete with our very own cinema room, swimming pool, yoga room and gym.

My journey into coaching and energy healing has not only transformed the lives of others but has also brought me immeasurable fulfilment.

I believe that within each person lies the boundless power to shape their destiny and cultivate a life full of joy and abundance. I invite you to embark on an extraordinary journey of self-discovery, unlocking the limitless potential that resides within you.

Ready to embark on your transformation? Let's set you on the path to mastering your own reality. Check my success stories below

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