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Limited Time Special: Get Access To 3 Powerful 1-On-1 Coaching 
Sessions Per Month For Only $99 Per Month…

Transcend ALL Subconscious Limits, Unlock Enlightenment Instantly, While Manifesting Your Purposeful Life... Without Years Of Meditation Or Expensive Retreats

If You're Stuck On The Manifestation & Spirituality Hamster Wheel Without A Crystal-Clear Path To Enlightenment, Fulfilment & Abundance In All Areas Of Life Then...

This Is For You:

Plus I’ll Triple-Your-Money Back For Giving This A Try

Watch The Video To Get Started

From: Gavin Speaks

Transformation Life Coach & Master Energetic Healer.

Dear Soul!,

In a moment, you're going to discover a transformational system that will have a great impact on many areas of your life like my previous students and clients.

Now, this is the closest thing to a magic pill after 16 years on this journey.


I know this sounds crazy, but I'm speaking the truth, otherwise, I wouldn't offer you triple your money back if this doesn't work for you.

It’s a practical yet uncommon system that will foster positive change and enlightenment instantly and is deeply connected to the truth of our reality.

It’s so powerful that it can drastically improve your ability to attract love, money, fulfilment, and a deeper connection with yourself and god/source!

But that’s not all…

It also offers the chance to uncover the hidden truths of this world and go above and beyond the limitations of your mind without resorting to hours of meditation, expensive retreats or hocus pocos abracadabra.

I don’t know about you, but I want practical tangle results and I want those results without the fluff and shenanigans 

Do you know what I mean?

And here’s the best part:

You will learn directly from me during private, insightful 1-on-1 coaching sessions for a ridiculously low price. …But remember I can’t keep the price low forever

So If You’re Curious, That’s Good, Open Your Mind And Get Ready For Your Transformation, Keep Reading…


Silence your phone

Close your Social Media

And read every word of this page carefully.


Take a moment to focus, as I now reveal the REAL reason you’re not experiencing deep fulfilment in your life and can’t find the ANSWERS you’re looking for.

It’s not because you’re inadequate.

It’s not because you haven’t put in any effort, either.

I’m sure that you’ve already tried & failed with various spiritual practices like


Reiki Sessions






Past life Regression

or watching a ton of YouTube videos, without tangible results to show for it, right?

I've been there, don’t worry.

Because it’s my KNOWING that you’re in the right place.

… You’ll understand why I am saying this later

Welcome To “The Simulation”... The Soul-Crushing Place Where You (And 99% Of Souls) Are STUCK

Here’s the reality…

Many peeps find themselves stuck in the daily grind, busy fulfilling life’s basic needs, creating a maze that seems hard to escape.

Usually, you’re caught up in meeting society’s expectations, which pushes you away from what TRULY matters deep down:

Your unique PERSONAL truth, your soul's truth.

Picture a big illusion — let's call it The Simulation — where you get hooked on things or situations that don't bring real joy or purpose.

Things like:
  • YouTube, Netflix, Instagram, WhatsApp, TikTok

  • Gossip, Toxic Relationship, Situationships...

  • Video Games, Weed, Shopping, Buying things that set you back.

  • Learning, Learning Learning, mentally masturbating without Implementing!

  • Visualizing, affirming and looking for the next law of attraction technique

  • Being a workaholic

  • And much more…

Now let’s be very clear I am not asking
you to quit this stuff!

What I am saying is none of these things can bring DEEP fulfilment, Purpose or Enlightenment!

These things can keep you from connecting with your TRUE INDENTITY (also non-identity) and the deeper meaning of life – the REAL path of purpose, fulfilment and abundance.

Let me ask you:
  • Aren’t you sick and tired of always chasing that elusive new reality and spiritual awakening that never comes?

  • Don’t you feel that there’s much more than the eye can see and that it’s time to finally find out what is and take control of your path?

  • Or what about finally unplugging yourself from the 'SYSTEM' and living life in a way that is beyond imagination?

Today, believe it or not, is the day you’re finally going to not only connect back to the truth but also unlock the door to a more meaningful and fulfilling way of living in life and business…

You’re About To Be Given “The Antidote”... The Question Is: Are You Ready To Transform Your Reality In A Way You Never Thought Possible?

Look, I want to be 100% honest with you.

Typical methods like affirmations, hypnosis, vision boards, meditations or energy healing, are not the definitive answer.

They lack a system and important ingredients (which you’re about to discover in just a few moments…)

And you need all the ingredients to make the Antidote.

Right now, you’re being presented with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take The Antidote and finally unplug yourself from The Simulation.


Once you tap into this powerful and transformative understanding, you'll be able to finally leave the fears, worries, doubts and self-sabotage behind…

You’ll take control of YOUR destiny, shape YOUR reality the way you want and access the life of abundance, enligtenment and love that was meant for you…

In short, you’ll find a truly deep and meaningful connection with life, with other people, and ultimately, with a god (whatever god represents for you).

Wouldn’t it be great to attract and manifest your deepest desires and aspirations without trying and using outdated techniques?

To also be the MASTER of your destiny, maintaining your spirituality while achieving great material success without fear, guilt or shame?

Well, keep reading and you’ll find out you will change for the better – Guaranteed.

Hey, My Name Is

Gavin Speaks

I'm someone who grew up in a rough neighbourhood.

Tottenham, London to be exact, where the riots started in the UK 2011.

Raised by a hardworking single mom, I faced school challenges due to crippling anxiety, dyslexia, ADD, and high-functioning autism.

… Because of that I always viewed the world differently.

I was hyper-aware, sensitive and for a lot of my childhood, I was dissociated.

My journey into personal development started at the age of 11...

I was browsing CABLE TV and saw a product called Mega Memory and my mum purchased it as I was struggling in school.

However, I still ended up not doing well in school! (thanks for trying Mum you’re the best)

At 21, I got inspired by "The Secret" movie and from there started to meet millionaires and started my own business and reached 6 figures!

BTW... I was very much still stuck in the illusion of the simulation, around toxic people, narcissistic relationships, poor health and an obsession with my phone and more!

Eventually, I lost all my money and my business… 

I don’t know maybe you’ve experienced something like this too?

You have breakthroughs but something seems to pull you back!

I was trapped in a rut and dug myself further in the system...

The problem with “The Secret” and many teachings on reality creation is they sell you the dream without telling you the truth!

I believe that BEINGS of LOVE, LIGHT & TRUTH should not follow these teachings. Heck, they took out Abraham Hicks out of The Secret movie who was talking about SOURCE, GOD & TRUTH!

I kept searching for answers and attended a £3000 workshop on spirituality.

While I was afraid to spend this money, I took a leap of faith and made it happen

It was one of the best decisions I ever made. It changed everything for me.

I broke out of the SIMULATION and into experiencing DEEP FULFILMENT & ENLIGTENMENT

The type of fulfilment that brings you back to the truth of why you’re here and what you need to do.

While also being able to create large sums of money and attract success with ease... All from work that us purposeful.

That’s why, after 9 years (9 is the end of a cycle) it’s time to guide others on what I discovered.

I have put everything together, I created a one-of-a-kind, special, powerful 1-on-1 program that’s literally going to change your life and transform your reality for good.

All I ask is that you are ready to surrender to the truth.



Transcend ALL Subconscious Limits and unlock Enlightenment Instantly While Manifesting Your Purposeful Life.

Master Your Inner And Outer World Once & For All With Affordable One-On-One Coaching, Healing And Online Training Course

"Awaken" is a transformative, spiritually aligned ongoing coaching program. In which you will work directly with me long-term to awaken god-level reality creation, reach your goals, find your purpose and create enligtenment.

Inside, you will learn about the THREE major stages that will help you Awaken

The 3 Stages Of The Awaken Course & Conscious Reality Creation:

Stage 1:

Taking The Antidote…

  • The biggest lie you have been told about your life, career & business & relationships... It's almost criminal (once you know this you'll never go back)
  • Shocking insights on the Movie The Secret kept you even more deeply stuck in the simulation and what you need to do to finally break free so you can experience god-level manifestation.
  • Simple EXPERIENTIAL exercises that will open your mind and awaken you to new levels of consciousness without meditation, breathwork, psychedelics, opening your 3rd eye or activating your kundalini which can be dangerous.
  • The one thing you need to understand is to never need another personal development program again and rapidly create an empowered state of mind.
  • The missing truth many people can’t put their finger on but know something is off when they feel guilty, ashamed or weird about trying to manifest stuff.
  • Why law of attraction repels away your manifestation and steals abundance happiness and fulfilment instead of manifesting it.

Plus you’ll have access to 3x 1 on 1  sessions with Gavin per month whenever you need it!

Stage 2:

Neutrality Shifting

(God Level Reality Creatiion)

  • You’ll discover the same system I have used to shift 100s of people into a new reality instantly, including the likes of Celebrity Influencer Clark Kegly, Kailyn Bowmen & Celebrity Actress Leven Rambin and more! (This is the next level)
  • The exact path to manifesting without manifesting and why you should start manifesting above THE SYSTEM rather than inside it.
  • The secret method of NOT wanting or desiring and shifting your identity to The Zero Point where desire doesn’t exist! (God Level Reality Creation)
  • Transcend your old reality and step into an empowered version of yourself within 20 minutes or less all without the ability to snap back to the old version of yourself (permanent change).
  • How to transcend any negative belief or identity that blocks your progress in any area of life so you can finally begin to experience personal freedom. (More powerful than identity shifting)
  • Use this to instantly SHIFT procrastination, doubt, anxiety, depression, fear, healing a breakup, trauma, resistance, social fears, addiction… This has even been used for hoarding, C-PTSD and emotional numbness.

Plus Remember Feel Free To Book In Your One on One Coaching Session
With Me Any Time 

Stage 3:

Build A Peaceful, Joyful Life, Career/Business Aligned With The Divine…

  • How to begin living in your highest timeline for the majority of your day so you can experience massive synchronicity and begin stepping into a life fulfilled.
  • The 3-step system we will use to identify how your specific brain works so you can master yourself and align yourself with a lifestyle that’s DEEPLY meaningful to you. (People love this process because they feel more connected to themselves and the direction they are going.)
  • Completely align yourself correctly with the divine plan, which will help you uncover sacred opportunities and become in sync with your true abundance instead of artificial abundance.
  • This is about making your life feel “right” for you… A vibrant, exciting life full of happiness. Imagine waking up each day excited about the possibilities ahead, feeling a deep sense of fulfilment with your goals, and experiencing genuine happiness in the present moment.
  • How to use the 3-step system to find your purpose in life & business. Plus what you need to do in case you’re subconsciously blocking your divine purpose.

Check Out These Results After Booking TWO Sessions With Me 

What You’ve Just Read Is The Tip Of The Iceberg, Because There’s Much More For You Inside The Awaken Program:

  • You’ll gain access to up to 3 Coaching Sessions with me whenever you get stuck and need a breakthrough

  • Small weekly exercises will guide you gently to a calmer, happier you. Effortlessly raise your consciousness and vibration to what I like to call God Level Awareness.

  • If you’re overwhelmed by your thoughts, don’t worry. Learn to overcome the ego and develop control over your emotions and thoughts to prevent them from taking over your mind so you can experience inner peace.

  • Finally, see the world in full color, not just black and white… You’ll understand the bigger picture and stay balanced every day of your life.

  • Discover how to overcome limiting beliefs, blocks, thoughts, emotions, and past traumas without actively trying to change them.

  • Gain a profound understanding of yourself, leading to a stronger connection with your inner self and those closest to you.

  • Develop the unique and special ability to create a reality filled with purpose and fulfilment – the reality your soul aspires to, and most importantly, that you deserve.

  • Connect with your inner power and become literally unstoppable (forget about feeling stuck in your life… you’ll be the force that moves mountains so you can shift into your ideal reality and create what’s most important to you..)

  • Discover how to make positive impacts in ALL aspects of your life, including relationships, financial security, and overall well-being.

  • Learn to break free from negative internal dialogue and “rewrite” it, to finally find a clear mind – be the empowered soul you want to be and unlock your FULL potential.

  • Exit “The Simulation” and start creating your new life from a place of power, abundance, and truth (... and never look back.)

  • Transcend your thoughts and feelings. Discover the true essence of yourself that lies beyond the mental chatter.

  • Escape limitations imposed by society and self-doubt – you’ll finally embrace your full potential and inner power.

  • Finally, earn more money, more freedom and healthy relationships…

  • And much, much more!

But Don’t Take My Word For It... Check Out What Others Had To Say About Working With Gavin Speaks

He Manifest $4k and A Huge Raise At His Job

Gavin is a Powerful Light Worker and Coder

This Coaching Program Is AHH Mazing!

Ready To Get Started? Click The Add To Cart Button Below And Get Instant And Immediate Access To The Awaken Course & 1 on 1 Coaching Now!

Was $79 $89 (Price Rising Soon)

Only $99 Per Month

Secure Payments Processed By Stripe – Friendly & Round-The-Clock Support – Triple-Your-Money Guarantee (Either You Love Awaken Or I’ll Triple What You Paid 

She Manifest $125,000 With Gavin's Coaching

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This Is Something Completely Different From What You’re Used To (here's why)…

Here’s the thing…

Unlike other programs that require hours of meditation or self-reflection or expensive prices, Awaken offers a faster, more practical path to achieving spiritual growth (and material success).

This is not a one-time course revolving around some weird law of attraction loophole, wishful thinking, or anything similar.

This is a system that is a proven, time-tested formula that will help you break free of your old self, achieve your goals and find your purpose in life.

And let me tell you…

Those who apply this system in their daily lives experience MASSIVE, miraculous positive changes.

Things like…

  • Becoming their 2.0 version instantly
  • Financial freedom…
  • Joy and positivity…
  • Abundance…
  • Wealth…
  • Love…
  • Spiritual enlightenment…
  • Peace of mind…
  • Clarity…
  • Internal empowerment
  • Confidence

But the coolest part is that:

You’re getting DIRECT access to me, personally, each and every week, on insightful and transformative 1-on-1 calls where I’ll guide you each step of the way – without the fluff and shenanigans

With my coaching and healing calls, you will notice results quickly.

In short, you can benefit from my 16 years of experience and learn to master your inner world (thoughts and emotions) while creating tangible results in your outer world (actions and outcomes).

Here’s What You’ll Find Inside The Awaken 1-On-1 Coaching Progam…

  • Powerful and life-changing 1-on-1 coaching that will help you attain anything you want from life without needing, desiring or letting go.

  • Skool Community (Group + App): Join a supportive group of like-minded individuals who are on the same journey. Share experiences, ask questions, and find encouragement within our dedicated online community.

  • Weekly/Bi-Weekly Content Drops: Receive new "floors" (modules) packed with valuable content and exercises delivered at a manageable pace.

  • Live Q&A Calls: Get your questions answered directly during our live Q&A calls. I’ll make sure you have all the clarity you need to succeed.

A Solid, Proven-To-Work “Enlightenment & God-Level Reality Creation System” That Can Put You On The Fast Track To Spiritual And Material Success

This is a proven system that, when applied, can unleash abundance, bliss, wealth

and perfect alignment with your TRUE self.


Maybe you’re looking for that expected breakthrough that hasn’t quite materialized (yet…?)

Perhaps you’re feeling frustrated because you aren’t able to uncover the hidden truths of life and can’t see what’s lying beyond your vision.

Maybe I’m wrong, but if you’re still reading this, it’s because something’s not quite right in your life right now.

But there’s good news…

You see, every human being born on this earth already has the “natural abundance and life-synchronicity state” integrated into their soul, spirit and body.

When we are born, everything we will want in the future is already inside us.

The universe brought us into this world and blessed us with this state.

The problem is that when we grow older, we just don’t know how to tap into this natural-born abundance and state of spiritual success…

Luckily for you, you’re in front of a genuine BREAKTHROUGH that’s going to transform you into the person you really want to be!

Or should I say who you already are... (that deep part of you laying dormant inside ready to break free)

Plus, it will also help you attain everything your little heart desires!

Awaken is here... and maybe the thing you need!

It is the solution to every negative feeling, worry, tension, and frustration you are going through at the moment.

The struggle…

Lack of success...

Self-limiting indenities & beliefs…

If you choose to work with me directly, all of these can become things of the past.

Let me ask you:

    • Can you imagine more abundance in your life?
    • More money?
    • Perhaps better health?
    • More love flowing into your everyday life?
    • Peace of mind?

Well, just close your eyes and picture what you want…

My unique coaching & healing program can bring it to you.

Just Like Cryssy Who Manifests $20,000

Influencer & Coaching Kailyn Bowmen Has A Huge Shift & Highly Recomends Working With Gavin

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Try Awaken Risk-FREE

My Unheard-Of, Crazy TRIPLE-YOUR-MONEY-BACK Action Takers Guarantee…

Here’s the deal:

Implement the systems and watch in amazement as things finally start to click – as you finally achieve spiritual and material success.


In the unlikely event that nothing is improving at all, simply shoot me DM inside skool or email a support @

Ask for a refund and I’ll give THREE TIMES what you paid back to your pockets straight away.

You won’t get a $99 refund, but $297.

So you only stand to profit when you get this here today.

You’ll profit from the amazing course and coaching! Or you profit by earning triple your money back just for trying this out.

If you implement the program and complete the exercises and it doesn’t work for you, you get 3x your money back.

So there’s NO risk for you.

With this unheard-of triple-your-money-back guarantee I’m throwing in, I’m showing you my complete and utter faith in my program. Otherwise, I wouldn’t offer it.

This opportunity here is REAL. You’ll be greatly surprised how far you can get in life, and how EASY it is to escape “The Simulation” and live life on YOUR terms.

Sound good?

She Manifests $25,000 After 15 Weeks

Celebrity Actor & Direct Leven Rambin
Experiences Big Shifts

It’s 100% Possible For To Enjoy A Better Life.

To have your dreams and aspirations fulfilled once and for all, so that you can be the captain of YOUR ship.

The true owner of your destiny.

Remember: You will learn exclusive and practically “unknown” knowledge that most people aren’t aware of… from me, directly.

I can promise…

Once you get access to my first-class coaching program, you’ll instantly see with your own eyes WHY this is the missing ingredient that you need in your life.

If You’re Anything Like Me, You Would Take Action Right Now… But Please Note I’m Not Asking You To Take Our You Credit Card and Buy Whatever Im Selling

This is a calculated decision for you to take advantage of since you can’t lose.

Look it…

You have to agree with me that paying $99 per month for all of the value you are getting here is ridiculous.

I mean 3 calls per month for only $99 per month.

Plus a course,

Plus Weekly Group Calls,

PLUS a like-minded community...

That's insane..

So be warned... This is REAL 1-on-1 coaching, and I cannot help everyone.

It’s just impossible.

The price will increase to $147 per month once current spots for $99 per month are taken.

So, take action right now.

If you wait too long, it might be too late for you…

Ready To Get Started? Click The Add To Cart Button Below And Get Instant And Immediate Access To The Awaken Course & 1 on 1 Coaching Now!

Was $79 $89 (Price Rising Soon)

Only $99 Per Month

Secure Payments Processed By Stripe – Friendly & Round-The-Clock Support – Triple-Your-Money Guarantee (Either You Love Awaken Or I’ll Triple What You Paid 

Clark Kegly Sees Huge Growth On His YouTube Channel After Just One Session. (He Is Now Has 1 Million Subscribers)

56.25%; height: 0;">

Don’t wait a single moment more. Go ahead and click the “Add To Cart” button below.

The life you always wanted can be a reality.

If you hesitate and don’t take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, you’ll never know what could have happened.

There’s only ONE way to discover what your life is going to look like by next week… and that’s by getting on board now.

Click the “Add To Cart” button below, and I’ll see you on the inside.

I can’t wait to see you in my community!

Was $79 $89 (Price Rising Soon)

Only $99 Per Month


How long do I need to stay to get results?

After dedicating years to this practice, my clients and students often notice immediate transformations within themselves and their lives. While significant changes can take 3-6 months or even longer to manifest fully. For example, Cynthia (client) manifested $25k after 4 months and she paid more to work with me. This program focuses on awakening to higher levels of awareness, discovering your purpose, and cultivating fulfilment. It requires a long-term commitment, so only participate if you are willing to stay dedicated to the process.

How can someone attain enlightenment instantly. 

I have a proven process that puts you into a state of enlightenment instantly. You can use it as much as you want and it only takes 10 minutes or less. It's a beautiful experience and I wish more people to experience this state or (not state). Unlike most teachings that say it takes years to access enlightenment, here you will experience it in my sessions or even on your own. Plus I offer triple your money back so you have nothing to lose.

I have had blocks for years, how will this program help me?

You could experience a block for 1 year, 1 month or 1 minute. The time doesn't matter. This will even remove blocks before you are born. That is irrelevant. There are several tools and processes that will help you unlock your greatest truth. Are you ready for your breakthrough?

Why is it so cheap, shouldn't you be charging more?

I have billed $25,000 for coaching services. I continue to offer this rate for a 7-day in-person meeting with me. The cost of Awaken will increase over time, so the current price is only available for a limited time.

Do you have a refund policy?

Our guarantee for action-takers is unlike any other. If you commit to taking action and fully engaging with the program and coaching for 30 days but do not see any results, we will triple your initial payment. There are no other refunds, you must take action to warrant a refund.

Can I cancel at any time?

You have the option to cancel your membership at any time without the need to email us. I recommend staying enrolled for a minimum of 3-6 months to fully experience significant changes in both your internal and external world.

What if I know the information inside already and I learn nothing new

One of the most difficult obstacles that individuals encounter is what I refer to as The I KNOW Syndrome. In my opinion, true knowledge comes from consistently implementing and materializing something, not just through luck or chance. I can confidently say that there are unique aspects within this coaching program that I have created and cannot be found elsewhere. I urge you to approach this with an open mind and commit for the long term, as one valuable piece of advice could be the key to achieving life-changing results.

I am nervous, I paid for programs like this before i'm burned

Take your time before making a purchase. It's important that you approach this with a positive attitude and a strong belief that it is the right decision for you. If you're worried about losing money or wasting time and energy, rest assured that this program comes with a money-back guarantee. If you follow the steps and don't see results, I will triple your money back. So, there is no risk involved.

Is this for me?

If you are looking to win the lottery, make a specific person fall in love with you, or change your eye colour, this is not the right place for you. This is about practical reality creation in the real world, not mystical or magical concepts. I am looking for intelligent individuals who recognize the importance of taking action and striving to improve themselves. The goal is not to manipulate reality, but to work together with it in a collaborative way. 

Is this 1 on 1 coaching or group coaching?

It's 1 on 1 coaching and group coaching. You will receive up to 3x 1 on 1 sessions with me per month. The amount of sessions is subject to change.

Was $79 $89 (Price Rising Soon)

Only $99 Per Month

Your friend,

Gavin Speaks

P.S. I’m offering you the chance to master your inner and outer reality with a coaching program that simply works. Plus, you can try it out RISK-FREE. What do you have to lose?

P.P.S. If you want to transcend the limitations imposed by your mind and connect with a deeper, higher power then this is for you. What about achieving success, abundance, and fulfilment? Awaken is yours now you, deserve it. Enrol Today

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